Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Little Pony

I made this Pinkie Pie for a My Little Pony swap on
I think it turned out real cute!  It was another of those "just trust the pattern" type patterns.  I made all the parts, put it together and ta-da!  Pinkie Pie. 
Frannie is jealous.  Think I'll make her one too. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tardis wristwarmers

Just made a pair for a good friend of mine.  She's a total Dr Who nut!

Also made a Cunning Candy Corn Colored Earflap hat for another friend.  She's taking a trip up to Alaska and wanted to show people that she's afraid of nothing!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter Sheep

And here are Frannie's Easter Sheep.  I just fell in love with them so I knitted up a whole family. 
Pattern is from, of course.  The fleece comes off the sheep so you can shear them or change coats.  Very fun!
One of the gals I work with loved them so much that she asked me to knit her one.  She gave me a nice lavendar sack in exchange.  Yea!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stuffed animals for Frances

I have recently gotten into making stuffed animals for my daughter Frances.  Her Easter basket was full of them.  The sheep were a particularly big hit.  I should post a pic of them.  I need to take a picture first...
Anyway...she was disappointed not to get the egg that becomes a bird that she wanted.  I was looking for things to make her for Easter on Ravelry and found this pattern that, unfortunately, came in a book rather than just downloading from the site. 
Recently I found a great book called Topsy-Turvy, Inside-Out knitted toys.  I love it!  I can't wait to make them all!
Here's the Flower Fairy in a Tulip.
And the egg...
that flips inside out to become a penguin.
Too cute...and, so far, easy!
I think I'm going to do the egg to alligator next.  Then I might try the dog that flips inside-out into his doghouse.  Although, I do have the colors of yarn to make the Hedgehog/Squirrel.  Too many cute things!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jayne hat no more

So, there's now a cease and desist order on Jayne hats.  Good thing I don't make those.  I did sell 2 Cunning Candy Corn earflap hats at Comicon this spring.  But to be safe I'll stick to trading these or being a little more cunning with them.  tee-hee

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feb 2013 Comicon

I am knitting up a storm trying to finish as much as I can for Comicon. 
My friend from work asked me at the beginning of the year if I wanted to sell my hats again.  Of course!  So I have 3 medium Tardis hats, 1 large Tardis hat, 2 R2D2 hats, 1 medium Jayne hat, 1 large Jayne hat, 1 pair of large Tardis fingerless gloves and I'm hoping to finish a pair of medium Tardis fingerless gloves tonight.  I also have 2 Tardis coffee cozies that I can't decide if I should throw in there.  I guess I should.  Why not?
So here's a pic of the bunch.
Oh!  I still have a Princess Leia and a Yoda from last time.  I'll throw those in too.

:)  Here's hoping it all sells!!  This time the money will be going toward a bunk bed for our daughter, Frannie.  She's tired of her Princess bedroom and wants us to redecorate into a forest room for her birthday in June.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sorry I've been gone

Sorry I've been gone for so long!!  The long absense is due to The Silverbells Carolers (, Christmas knitting, and Sisters, A Gingerriffic Cabaret of Duets. 
Caroling season went off just fine.  We had lots of new singers, a terrific music director and a fabulous new gig at Woodland Park Zoo. 
Christmas knitting was mostly the Tardis hat and scarf that I swapped for a box full of wonderful goodies for Frannie.  My swap partner was great!  We got a mommy and baby fleece hedgehog...soooo cute.  I'll have to post pics.  She also sent a cute ragdoll, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band dottee dolls (amazing!!!!!!) and other fun dodads.  Fabulous package!!
Sisters is a duets cabaret that I had the idea for ages ago with a friend of mine that ended up getting nodes a couple of years ago.  About a year ago I played Ms Jones in How To Succeed at a local theatre and everyone thought I was my friend Lisa.  She's a fab soprano so I loved the compliment.  I mostly do alto/belting roles so this soprano role was a treat.  Lisa and I have also been confused for each other while caroling.  Two curvy, redheaded singers...I see the confusion.  So Lisa became my new partner for this cabaret show.  And since we look a bit alike I decided that the second act would be a section of Side Show.  The show was a hit and we're currently looking for more places to do it.  So I hope to be able to post more of that later.
But back to knitting.